One of the things I love most about quilting is the creativity and diversity amongst quilters! I'm always so inspired when I see what other quilters have created with only fabric and thread.
Below are a few photos of quilts (made by more talented hands than mine) that I am inspired by.
I love One Block Wonder Quilts -

Yay for bright colors!


I heart circles!

I've recently been obssessed with mixing grey with bright colors! So fun!




Note to my wonderful swap partner - I love bright colors in my quilts, but I also love the subtlety of soft colors together. I love wonky quilts and I love structured quilts. Unfortunately, this means that I don't have much direction to give you when it comes to designing a quilt. However, I can tell you the things I definitely do not love.
I do not love pink. Even though you see it in the pictures above and I can appreciate it when others use it, I simply cannot even begin to think about cuddling up with a quilt that has pink in it. :(
I do not love batiks.
I do not love anything that looks like tie-dye.
That's it! I can't wait to see what you come up with
I promise I'll post pictures of the quilt I'm making and the quilt I receive!
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