The Day the PC Died (Set to American Pie by Don McLean...apologies for the butchering)
A long long time ago,
In an office down the hall
My PC was under an attack
And I thought me and Google
Could talk the hard drive into
Maybe cutting us a little slack
But it's response, it wasn't pretty
It blue-screened and tried to kill me
I thought about the disgrace
And grabbed a screwdriver to attack the case
Elisha pulled me from the scene
We got online and saw the sheen
We wound up staring at the screen
The day...our PC died...
We were singin'...
Bye bye this here Vista guy
It was crazy somedays maybe
But it still ended up fried
We left our home and kissed our PC goodbye
Singin' soon I'm gonna be a mac guy...
Soon I'm gonna be a mac guy
Did you know they could cram
A whole 2 gigabytes of ram
And an Intel processor they say
Do you see it's 24" screen
All big and shiny with a glossy sheen
Yeah it's gonna edit lots of photos someday
Well I know I used to hate them so
And my friends will say it blows
But my PC broke it's true
And we thought this Mac would do
It was a quick trip down to Pioneer Place
Where we found the Apple store and began to embrace
That we would soon replace
Oh yes, our PC toy
We were singin'...
Bye bye this here Vista guy
It was crazy somedays maybe
But it still ended up fried
We left our home and kissed our PC goodbye
Singin' soon I'm gonna be a mac guy...
Soon I'm gonna be a mac guy
The song is too long for me to actually finish it, and my creative juices are spent. No, I won't sing the song for you, even if you beg. You are welcome to laugh though. But it's true, Elisha and I have joined the ranks of the beret-wearing, establishment-hating, trendy-yet-trend-rejecting mac buying crowd. All I have to say though is, 24" is pure awesome. I'll be sure to post up if for some reason it fries like my PC did.
Fear not, I still own the PC. But since it's wedding season, we need, and I mean NEED a reliable machine. The PC will be going under the proverbial knife...
On a completely different side note, we got a free iPod touch with the iMac. Holy frack, is this thing cool! I used it to watch music videos on YouTube for inspiration while I wrote the "song." Mac wins big points on this thing, it's friggin' sweet.
For the nerds:

This is what it looks like...
24" iMac (1920x1200 heck yes)
2.8ghz Intel Core2Duo
2gb DDR2
Radeon 2600Pro
I'm pretty impressed.
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