Thursday, June 12, 2008

Home at Greywood

We started packing this morning... It's nearly 9PM and we're not as close to being finished as I would have liked. Oye... AND we didn't get to hang out with our fabulous Brownell friends... ::frowns sadly:: We were even going to go on a picnic and frolic in the brief display of sunshine.

Enough complaining - on to the good parts of today. My lovely friend Mandi stopped by to chit chat and we had a lovely conversation as she watched me unsuccessfully pack and then repack a box of tidbits hiding out in our closet. Then Andy's friend Craig came by and introduced us to Marley - their adorable german shepherd puppy. We thoroughly enjoyed the brief interruptions from the endless organizing and boxing. AND I'm listening to Phantom of the Opera which always makes me a little happier. ::sighs happily and exhaustedly::

Now - the most exciting news of all! Our new little place is going to be called Greywood. Isn't that so quaint?! I'll post pictures of the new place soon!

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