These are pictures from my sister's wedding which is what accidentally started our wedding photography business! It's crazy how much I've learned since this time. As cheesy as it is, I even did the selective coloring horror. I now quiver in disgust at all selective coloring, but even I am guilty of having tried this awful PS trick before!
Fortunately for me - I wasn't hired to shoot her wedding, I just had fun running around in my bridesmaid dress snapping pictures!
So without further ado, I present my first wedding ever!
(Sorry I can't make the pictures bigger!)
Wow! Note the family resemblence there!
At least you posted them! We have tried to erase everyone's memory as to our earlier work. However, next time you are over we'd probably show you one or two shots. If we're feeling generous.
YAY for improvement, eh? ;D
I must say that seeing the selective coloring in your portfolio was nerve racking. In fact, I remember going to the car and reassuring Alycia that if we received any selectively colored photos, I could make them pure black and white without issue. Needless to say, we were both thrilled that you have sense stopped this practice.
Oddly enough, I just shot my first wedding. As the best man. And will be posting a blog about it. Funny how things work.
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