Long time no blog eh? Yeah, work will do that to you. But since we picked up our fancy little Panasonic FS5 10mp "ultracompact" point-and-shoot, I now don't feel so bad taking a camera everywhere...this one fits in my pocket and weighs 4oz, not 4+ lbs! So I present to you an afternoon & evening of fun, food and manliness, as Lane, Elisha and I tackle a motorcycle ride into the back-roads of Sandy/Welches, consume way more sushi than should be humanly possible, and then jump into the the fun of oil changes on our '94 CBR600F2 and Lane's spankin' new (to him) 2002 VFR800. Photos!
Intrepid riders:

Lane's Sexy New Bike (TM):

Mi y mi novia:

Ze beautiful scenery:

Rock n' roll:

Plates of Suuuushi (This is just Elisha and I's):

Lane attacks his drain-plug:

The bike glows gloriously in the night:

Ready to rumble:

Can you believe these shots came from a point & shoot? We're impressed, yeah.
1 comment:
LOL -- I'm not laughing at the pictures. I just showed them to Joshua (who looooves "whycle whycles") and everytime he sees a picture of you two he acts all shy. He says your names over and over put wont' fully peek at the computer screen until it's just the whycle whycle.
(We can't wait to see you!)
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