For example, this last week, I have not been in the mood to blog. That doesn't mean I haven't been in the mood to write, because I have been writing endlessly. It is only that I haven't been in the mood to share my thoughts with others.
Also, I'm not really in the mood to spend money. I hate spending money, but there are things I want to buy. So now what? To spend money or not spend money. It doesn't help that Andy is trying to convince me we should spend money. Oye!
I haven't really been in the mood to go to work either. I'm feeling a sort of "Senioritis" as it applies to working instead of school. The end is so close and yet I still have two more months to go.
Also, I have been in a healthy mood. I'm trying to eat sushi instead of pizza. And cook at home instead of eating out. I'm trying to eat less, drink water instead of juice, exercise regularly, etc. I haven't been very consistent, but I'm trying.
Anyway, enough about moods. This last weekend we went to Bullwinkle's for Nickolas' third birthday party! It was so much fun! I love my little nephew. We ran around the "Kidopolis" for a while and had a blast. He got so freaked out on the nets that you walk on that he made me carry him across. It was super cute.
Then we all played miniature golf. We showed him how to hold a golf club and hit the ball in the hole. He even got a hole in one (with a little help from Daddy). Then off to the bumper boats. Needless to say, Nickolas was braver than Robin. ::grins:: My best friend was definitely hiding behind her three year old son.
We had a blast, got soaking wet, and just enjoyed hanging out with all our friends. I really miss these people. I LOVE them - they are truly my other halves (if you can have more than one of a half....).
Here's some pictures I stole off of Robin's myspace.
Taleah mischievously getting everyone wet:

My lovely mommy and my soul buddy-

Me getting soaked:

Robin shamelessly hiding behind her brave son:

Everyone soaking everyone:

My favorite "brother from another mother" and "sister from another mister":

Nickolas blowing out his birthday candles:

The thumbs up while playing miniature golf!

My other "halves":

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